Rehabilitation Nursing Jobs
Rehabilitation Nursing jobs involve assisting patients through the rehabilitation process after a serious illness or injury. Moreover, rehabilitation nurses have one of the hardest, and most rewarding, jobs in nursing. They witness the struggles and triumphs of patients who are working through debilitating illnesses and injuries with everyone from children to the elderly.
What are the Duties of a Rehabilitation Nurse?
The duties of a rehabilitation nurse revolve around assisting patients with rehabilitation. Patients who have experienced a traumatic injury or long-term, devastating illness, may need help regaining their strength and learning how to do many of the simple tasks we take for granted. This can include eating with utensils, walking, or even learning to speak or write their name. Rehabilitation nurses are able to work hand in hand with a patient’s doctors to create treatment plans that will allow the patient to regain as much of their mobility as possible without risking an additional injury or allowing the patient to move too quickly.
Oftentimes, rehabilitation nurses begin the rehabilitation process and then transfer the patient to physical therapy where they can gain even more strength over an extended period of time. Rehabilitation nurses are also in charge of identifying potential problems during the rehabilitation phase and alerting the doctor so that adjustments can be made to the treatment plan. Because of their unique roles as both caregiver and rehabilitation nurse, they can assist the patient transition easily from constant care to having a little more independence.
What Does It Take to Become a Rehabilitation Nurse?
In order to become a rehabilitation nurse, the graduate must first obtain their nurse’s license. This involves receiving either a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Nursing. Once the graduate has passed their state boards, they can begin to add the rehabilitation specialty to their resume. While some rehabilitation classes may be offered in more traditional nursing degrees, rehabilitation involves many aspects of recovery and care that should be addressed in a separate course.
Nurses may choose to enroll in a Physical/Occupational Therapy program or they can enroll in a Rehabilitation course. Either one will provide the student with the knowledge they need to move forward. It’s important to remember there are also different types of rehabilitation that must also be considered. If the graduate has any questions, a meeting with their guidance counselor will help them break down their options. By meeting with a counselor, they may identify areas of study they had not considered before.
How Much Can a Rehabilitation Nurse Make Per Year?
Rehabilitation nurses can make an average salary of $66,000 per year. Nurses who are just starting out may receive an annual wage that is much less than coworkers. However, the opportunity to earn more comes with experience and job seniority. Graduates who enter the rehabilitation field in an entry-level position can also set themselves up for success by working in several different areas. Experience in a variety of processes is important. The more knowledge they gain through experience, the more likely it is that they will be offered the positions they want.
Being a licensed nurse requires a specific number of continuing education hours needed each year to remain current. These classes are available either in the form of another degree or as part of a certification class. Furthermore, any additional education also boosts the student’s earning potential. This provides opportunities to pursue other avenues of care within the rehabilitation field. The more opportunities they have within their field, they will be better able to negotiate the wage they deserve. It also gives them an opportunity to pursue highly specialized jobs such as working with professional athletes.
Do I Need to Have a Degree or Can I Just Get Certified?
In order to become a rehabilitation nurse, the graduate must earn a nursing degree at some level. Additionally, they must also pass their state board examination. For nursing students interested in rehabilitation, an Associate or Bachelor’s level degree is a great place to start. Nursing is a diverse field of study. Therefore, graduates can enter into one specialty and easily transition to another by taking additional courses.
If the nurse has already completed their degree and has already been working in the field, they may be able to apply for the position of rehabilitation nurse and learn through on-the-job training. In addition to work experience, nurses can also complete a certification program as part of the requirement for continuing education. This training provides them with up-to-date information and helps them keep their state license current. Through certification, rehabilitation nurses can get credit for the hands-on experience they receive while working on the job.