Hawaii Nursing

Hawaii nursing information for RN to BSN education, nurse licensing, and job and salary outlook for nurses in Hawaii.
RN Nursing
Nursing is challenging but also rewarding, not to mention, it pays well! As an RN nurse, you may be feeling limited in your current career opportunities. Perhaps you want to pursue a career in teaching other nurses or maybe you want to move into a management level position in the nursing industry. You may even want to move into the business side of nursing. If that sounds like you, then an RN to BSN program in Hawaii sounds like the right program for you. But what is an RN to BSN program in Hawaii and is it the perfect fit for you?
BSN in Hawaii
A BSN program is just an extension of your RN schooling, this time focusing more on critical thinking skills and the business side of nursing. Instead of learning technical, hands-on skills, it is a classroom setting, which is why RN to BSN online programs are very popular. Whether you find a local BSN program in Hawaii or decide on an RN to BSN online program, you will be prepared for any advanced profession that you decide to move into after you complete your degree.
RN to BSN programs in Hawaii
Going to an RN to BSN program in Hawaii has great advantages, as you get to meet many other great professionals in the area. Also, going to a local college for this program can be easier at times, since your teacher will be right there in front of you to answer any questions you may have. However, an RN to BSN online program offers its own unique benefits, such as fitting around any schedule and no time commuting to a school that may be up to an hour away. Both local and online programs are equally qualified, so make sure to make a choice based on what works best for you.
Hawaii Nursing License
Below are the 2 steps people need to complete in order to earn an RN and have a career in the great state of Hawaii.
1. Achieve the required education (License Practice Nurse program – 1 year; Associate’s degree – 2 years; or bachelor’s degree – 4 years) at one of the nursing colleges in Hawaii. There are accelerated nursing programs that allow students to complete their coursework on a more intense, quicker timeline. Before applying to one of the Hawaii nursing programs, whether it’s a traditional program or one of the accelerated nursing programs in Hawaii, students need to make sure they meet all the prerequisites first. Most programs require students to complete some courses before applying to one of the Hawaii nursing programs. Upon graduation, students are eligible to move on to the next step towards getting their Hawaii nursing license.
2. Take and pass the NCLEX-RN exam from the Hawaii Board of Nursing. Almost 90% of graduates who have attended one of the Hawaii nursing programs pass the Hawaii Board of Nursing NCLEX-RN test, which is higher than the national average.