Therapeutic Communication NCLEX
What is Therapeutic Communication, and why is it an important topic on the NCLEX exam? Therapeutic communication is a way of communicating with patients that accomplishes two very important goals. First, it allows nurses to maintain a professional distance from the patient and also helps them to remain as objective as possible. The technique lets the nurse avoid emotional investment in each patient. Emotional attachment can cause burnout and lead to other issues that may eventually affect job performance. Through the use of therapeutic communication, nurses and patients can interact with one another. Silent pauses and open-ended statements/questions give patients a chance to answer for themselves so the nurse doesn’t have to make an educated guess. It is an outpatient physical therapy clinic featuring private treatment rooms and state-of-the-art equipment. You can check out this info to know more about physical therapy.
Secondly, therapeutic communication encourages patients to speak for themselves in terms of how they feel and what their expectations are in terms of their treatment. There are times when a patient may not communicate effectively because of either how they feel or because they are depressed or unhappy. With therapeutic communication, nurses attempt to get the patient to become more vocal about how they feel and what they need to feel better.
Why Are Questions About Therapeutic Communication Included on the NCLEX Exam?
Thereapeutic communication techniques should be practiced throughout your education as a nurse. Questions about therapeutic communication are on the NCLEX exam to make sure nurses understand the important technique. It also encourages nurses to maintain a professional distance and not overstep their bounds and begin to let their emotions dictate the level of care the patient receives. By learning therapeutic communication, nurses protect themselves but also encourage patients to think and speak for themselves. Patients sometimes don’t understand what is going on or how to describe what they are feeling. This is where therapeutic communication comes in handy.
The NCLEX exam includes questions about therapeutic communication. It asks how to handle situations effectively while maintaining the strict standards of professionalism expected of nurses caring for patients. Situations arise that make it difficult for patients to speak for themselves with confidence. Nurses must be able to effectively bring up certain talking points and encourage patients to continue to talk about what they need or want. Nurses rely on these types of communication skills to keep patients aware of what is going on with their care as well as get them to make decisions on their own.
Why Is Getting Patients More Involved In Their Healthcare So Important?
While nurses are responsible for providing the highest possible level of care, patients must also remain as involved as possible. Therapeutic communication encourages patients to tell nurses how they are feeling and to ask things they need. The goal for the nurse is to do as little thinking for the patient as possible. This allows the nurse to maintain a professional distance and keep their objectivity intact so they can continue to provide the best care. Remaining objective lets nurses work within the best practices and protocols of nursing that prevent nurses from overstepping their bounds.
Therapeutic communication is the best way to get patients to offer information about how they feel. Open-ended questions, silent pauses, and repeating information are just a few of the things nurses will sometimes do to try and encourage the patient to speak up and talk to nurses about what is going on with their health. When a nurse makes decisions for the patient, they lose their objectivity and possibly do something the patient doesn’t really want. In these situations, therapeutic communication can be very beneficial.
How Does the NCLEX Exam Encourage Open-Ended Questions and Therapeutic Communication?
Objectivity and professional distance is a must when it comes to working with patients on a regular basis. With open-ended questions and silent pauses, nurses get patients to fill in the blanks about their health. Patients may not know how to describe what is going in their bodies or how they are feeling. When nurses offer open-ended questions, they give the patient a starting point that may help them to start talking.
Communication between the patient and their nurse is extremely important. Without it, the patient does not get what they need and the nurse can only guess what the patient may need. By finding ways of communicating that will allow the patient to interact with the nurse, both can learn to understand each other and find a common ground when it comes to effective communication. Nurses often get close to their patients and are able to understand their wants and needs. Therapeutic communication, however, allows the patient to maintain their dignity and speak for themselves.