Rhode Island Nursing

Here is TopRn’s Rhode Island nursing information for RN to BSN education, nurse licensing, and job and salary outlook for nurses in Rhode Island.
Types Of RN To BSN Programs In Rhode Island
Rhode Island is a small state but it has many excellent colleges and universities. If you are interested in becoming a nurse in Rhode Island, you first need to complete either an associate degree in nursing (ADN) or a bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) degree.
An ADN takes two years and prepares students to pass the NCLEX-RN exam and become RNs. A BSN takes four years and is becoming the preferred degree credential for many employers. The BSN also prepares students to become RNs.
Rhode Island needs nursing educators more than ever. There are plenty of people applying to get into nursing school. Still, many of them will be denied simply because there are not enough educators in the state. RN to BSN programs in Rhode Island are a great way to prepare to be one of those necessary educators. To get started with this, you need to make sure that you find the right school with a RN to BSN program in Rhode Island.
BSN programs in Rhode Island are a stepping stone towards achieving an MSN degree. That is the typical minimum degree required to become a nursing educator that can prepare others for nursing. Therefore, getting this BSN under one’s belt is necessary before one can hope to move on to the MSN they will need for teaching.
Online Options
Many working nurses do not have time for a traditional RN to BSN program. Working nurses in Rhode Island should consider RN to BSN online options. These are courses that are offered online from a variety of different schools. An online RN to BSN is a more flexible option since each student can select the hours, and there is no need to leave home. This option may finally start to bring in the future educators that Rhode Island so badly needs.
Suppose you earn a degree from an unaccredited school. In that case, you may have trouble securing federal financial aid and finding work as a nurse after graduation. Make sure the program and school you attend are accredited. Rhode Island schools are regionally accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges. In addition, only apply to nursing programs that have programmatic accreditation. The two nursing program accreditation organizations to look for are the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) and the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN)
Cost Of RN To BSN Programs In Rhode Island
Rhode Island’s in-state public institution tuition rates are some of the highest in the country. Conversely, the out-of-state tuition in Rhode Island is only about 5% to 10% more than the in-state. For out-of-state students in Rhode Island, the education is a good deal. Rhode Island residents may need to look for financial aid and scholarships.
Many online RN-BSN programs are less expensive than in-person degrees. You may be able to find lower tuition for an online program. Just do your homework and make sure the school and the program are accredited.
Nurse Licensing In Rhode Island
The State of Rhode Island Department of Health issues licenses to nurses in Rhode Island. The nursing board website has all the information you need to apply for a nursing license. Nurses in Rhode Island can obtain a license by exam or by endorsement.
License By Exam in Rhode Island
Suppose you are a new Nursing graduate and not licensed in any other state. In that case, you can apply for a Rhode Island Nursing License by exam. Once a candidate graduates from an accredited nursing program, they can take the NCLEX-RN. After passing the exam, you can apply for a Rhode Island nursing license. You will have to submit proof of Rhode Island residence, school transcripts, a criminal background check with fingerprints, and the application and application fee.
License By Endorsement in Rhode Island
The Rhode Island License By Endorsement application is for nurses with an active nursing license in another state moving to Rhode Island. You will have to submit license verification of your current nursing license, a criminal background check with fingerprints, and the application and application fee.
Enhanced Nurse Licensure Compact in Rhode Island
Rhode Island joined the original Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC). In 2018 the NLC was enhanced and is now the eNLC. The Enhanced Nursing Licensure Compact (eNLC) is a nursing license mutual recognition system. It allows nurses to have one multi-state license, issued by the state they claim as a primary residence. However, they can practice in all states that have entered into the compact. The original compact dissolved July 18, 2018, and Rhode Island also ceased its membership. Therefore, Rhode Island is NOT a member of the eNLC.
Nurse Salary And Job Outlook In Rhode Island
The May 2020 report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that Rhode Island employs 12,150 Registered Nurses. The location quotient for Rhode Island is 1.28, indicating the number of nurses in the state is more than the national average. In addition, the mean annual salary for Registered Nurses in Rhode Island is $82,790, compared to the national average of $80,010. However, the cost of living in Rhode Island is higher than the national average, which can offset the higher salary.
Your Nursing Career In Rhode Island
Nurses in the Ocean State of Rhode Island earn high salaries. An online RN-BSN degree in Rhode Island can increase your employability and salary!
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